a collection of creative projects
Bodge Zine
Liverpool Arts Lab
Ongoing creative collaboration
[2017 -present]
Evoked Potential
An ongoing photography conversation with Jane MacNeil. Based on the surrealist’s Exquisite Corpse
The Cassandra Complex
An autonomous, end-of-the-pier style Fortune Telling Machine
Propaganda Bingo
A game for learning about propaganda techniques
Kate Moss Eyes on Food
A physical cut collage series of Kate Moss’s eyes on adverts for food
Lomo Liverpool
A love letter to Liverpool written in images. Taken with a Russian Lomo LC-A camera and expired 35mm film
Drawing from life
Found Notes and Lists
Micro stories found in the landscape
[2015, ongoing]
Artworks of cut paper
Fab Collective
Liverpool-based photography collective who met throught the Flickr photo community
Handmade prints using linocut, collagraph, monoprint, blind meboss and intaglio techniques
Artists collective formed by PhDs and researchers withn the Computing Department at Lancaster University
Physiological Computing
A computing paradigm created as partial fulfillment of a PhD project
[1996 – 2004]
An affective interactive virtual avatar for use in public spaces. Created by Simon Lock and Lesley Peate
The Today Pages
An online community photoblag at the Computing Deparmtment at Lancaster University
Tangible Awareness Landscapes
Interctive, web-activated notification devices made from found objects
The Virtual Print Office
Virtual Reality models build as part of a research collaboration with Xerox Research Centre, Cambridge
Visual Thinking
[1993 – present]